Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rain Makes the Grass Grow Greener!
As we go into the fall season my family finds itself in a happier, healthier place than it has been for about four years.  We’ve gone through hard times, made some terrible mistakes and we’ve learned and grown and we’re finally seeing the green grass that is beginning to grow as a result of the rain that has fallen over the last few years.

I once understood depression as a chemical imbalance within the body and I thought medication was the best answer.  While I realize that is part of it and that medication can help and is sometimes necessary, I now know that there are many other answers for how to get better when you’re feeling sad and hopeless.

I read an article in a health magazine that suggested maybe depression wasn’t a disorder and perhaps feelings of sadness have an important message.  They can be a signal that there is something wrong that we need to fix.  Hillori read about “learned helplessness” in her psychology class and that gave us insight into our lives.  A wise and dear friend who has been through some very tough times over the last couple of years told me that something happened to him and he didn’t know if he would ever be the same.  I told him he couldn’t ever be the same but what if he could be stronger and maybe even happier and better.  He agreed that going through sadness and depression can make us stronger and more able to deal with life.   He likened it to hard work making our muscles sore while at the same time they’re growing stronger.

While we are still somewhat braced for what life might throw at us next and still reeling just a little from the blows of the last few years, we are starting to relax and feel a sense of accomplishment at having survived hard times.  We’re starting to believe that blessings and success really will be a big part of our future.  Psalm 30:5b “weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”

We now understand that we can change our attitudes and our outlook on life.  If we can learn to feel helpless then we can instead choose to learn to feel happy and capable.  My two boys are hard working, married men and Daddies now.  My girls are working hard to get a good education.  I’m very proud of all my kids and how they’ve survived the hard times.  I have definitely been feeling stronger and like I have a much more positive outlook on life.  However, every once in awhile I waiver for just a moment and wonder if it really is true - have I really changed?

My answer came yesterday when I got a jury notice form in my mailbox on the corner.  With my shyness, the thought of jury duty has always struck me with paralyzing fear.  I stared at the notice as I walked back to get into my car, wondering what excuse I could use to get out of it this time.  Before I even got to my car door, my thoughts had changed and I was thinking “This could be fun.  I can do this now.”  Those thoughts really surprised me and I was amazed that they were actually mine.  I really have changed.  Maybe I’ll get to experience jury duty and maybe not, but either way, I now know for sure that my positive attitude and newly learned self confidence are real and I’m excited to see how they’ll shape and influence my future